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Mass/course information
Mass & Seminars
"Learning the Mass: The Biblical Meaning of Words and Actions in the Liturgy" (planned for approximately 20 lessons in total)

Saturday course (1st and 3rd) from 2:00 p.m.
Thursday course (2nd and 4th) from 10am
The first session will start from 14:00 on Saturday, July 1st and from 10:00 on Thursday, July 13th.
We will be using the text "Holy Mass: Meaning of Words and Actions Based on the Bible" by E. Suri et al. (Free Press 2020), so please prepare your own. We also recommend that you bring your own Bible.
Anyone can participate in the course (regardless of church affiliation, Catholic believers or non-believers).
Mass & Seminars


皆さまの訪れを お待ちしています。

Catholics are required to marry in the church, but non-believers can also apply.
Please contact the priest for details.
*Individual sacrament of Penance, anointing of the sick, Holy Communion at sick bed visits, blessings of houses, cars, animals, etc., memorial masses,
We accept individual farewell ceremonies for pets, so if you are interested, please contact us.
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