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The church community is our brothers and sisters who walk together through life.

Make it a point to regularly update the pastor and parishioners on your current situation.

To stay connected to the church,

Make sure to get your family involved too.

Please have your family and those who care for you read this bookmark as well.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask the priest or any of the staff.

1. Visit to Kasai’s hospital bed

You can receive the Lord's grace by receiving a visit from a priest and praying together.

During your visit, you will receive the sacraments of Penance, Anointing of the Sick, and Eucharist.

Don't hesitate to talk to your priest before your condition worsens.

2. Emergency baptism

If a person with a worsening condition expresses a desire to be baptized,

You can invite a priest to your hospital bed to baptize you.

If you cannot afford to invite a priest,

please contact him and follow his instructions.

If you are a monk, you can baptize.

3. Contact in case of death

In the event of a person becoming critically ill or having to return home, please have your family contact the church immediately.

If you cannot connect, please contact the person in charge of the ceremony department.

I will promptly refer the matter to the chief priest.

4. Request to funeral home

If there is no specific funeral home that you would like,

We can introduce you to a funeral home that is familiar with Catholic funerals.

5. Funeral format and schedule

The bereaved family, the chief priest, and the funeral home will decide the format, date, and time of the wake and funeral.

6. Liturgical days on which a funeral mass cannot be held

This is not possible on the Lord's Day and other observable holidays.

(Nativity of the Lord, Three Holy Days, Epiphany of the Lord, Ascension of the Lord, Pentecost, Assumption of the Virgin Mary, New Year's Day)

*Even if you cannot hold a funeral mass on a day,

if there is a special reason,

A funeral with a Liturgy of the Word can be held.

7. Bone and Grave

There is no set time or date for interment.

If you would like to receive the ashes, please consult the chief priest regarding the date and time.

As for cemeteries, we own the Toshima Church's communal cemetery in the Catholic Fuchu Cemetery.

Ashes may be interred by members of the congregation or their families.

For information on acquiring graveyards, please contact the Toyoshima Church Cemetery Committee.


I will explain in detail.

Every year, we hold a joint memorial mass and

grave visit at Fuchu Cemetery.

8. Funeral donations to the church

We ask that you make a donation to the church and give a remuneration to the officiant.

*As a guide

Donation to church 150,000 yen

(+30,000 yen if there is a wake)

Reward for the celebrant: 50,000 yen (common)

Donation for use of congregation hall is 50,000 yen

*We will consult with anyone who has any concerns.

9.Death Anniversary/Memorial Mass

There is no set rule as to when the memorial service should be held,

Memorial masses can be held on the annual anniversary of the death or on a date in line with Japanese customs.

Mass or prayer for relatives and related parties only.
Weekday masses can also be offered with the intention of remembering those who have passed away.

If you would like to do so, please inform the chief priest.
Application envelopes are available at the church.

10. Use of Church Facilities

Cathedral = Funeral Mass, Confession Ceremony, Memorial Mass

Kodo Kaikan: We are available for consultation regarding waiting rooms on the day of the funeral, gatherings after the ashes are collected, etc.

11. Ceremony Department Service

One of the services of Toshima Church is the ceremonial department.

We assist with preparations for wakes and

funerals for those who have passed away.

Requests are made to singers and organists.

*In the church, from the standpoint of service, the ceremonial department

We do not receive compensation from individual organists or singers.


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Copyright © Toshima Catholic Church All Rights Reserved.
Photo provided by Kazou Ohishi

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