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Q&A about Mass (worship)

Q. What is Mass (worship)?

The Mass is a ritual that has its origins in the "Last Supper" that Jesus Christ gathered with his disciples the night before he left this world. Christ took the bread and wine and said, ``This is my body that I give up for you,'' and ``This is the cup of my blood, the new covenant of blood that is shed for you.'' ”, he commanded his disciples, “Do this in remembrance of me.” It is the central liturgy of the Catholic Church, in which the bread and wine are consecrated to become the body and blood of Jesus Christ. At Mass, only believers receive ``Bread,'' which is the body of Christ, but non-believers are also welcome to receive a blessing from the priest if they wish. Masses are held on Sundays and weekdays, as well as at weddings and funerals.

Q. Can I participate in mass (worship) even if I am not a believer?

A. Yes, anyone can participate. Please see here for times and other information.

Q. Does it cost money to go to church?

A. It doesn't cost anything. There is an offering box at the entrance of the church, but it is of the individual's free will.

Q. What kind of clothes should I wear to Mass (worship)?

A. There is no problem with regular clothes.

Q. Do I need to bring anything?

A. You don't need to bring anything. A leaflet called ``Bible and Liturgy'' containing excerpts from the Bible that will be read at Mass that day is distributed, and a ``hymnbook'' containing songs to be sung at Mass is prepared.

Q. How long does Mass (worship) take?

A. Sunday Mass usually takes about an hour. Weekday Masses usually last about 30 minutes. While praying together, we sing hymns, listen to Bible readings, and listen to a talk (sermon) by the priest. I think it will be easier to understand the progress of the Mass if you enter the church with the leaflet "Bible and Liturgy" placed at the entrance of the church. You can take this leaflet home with you.

Q. Can I enter in a wheelchair?

A. There is a wheelchair space inside the church, a barrier-free toilet outside the church, and a parking lot near the west gate of the church, so please use them.

Q. Can I bring my infant to Mass?

A. It is possible to attend Mass with infants and young children. Toshima Church has a glass-enclosed room with air conditioning and heating inside the church, so you can attend mass while taking care of your children.

Q. Is mass (worship) held on weekdays as well?

A. Mass is also held on weekdays. For more information, please see "Weekly News Toshima" .

If you have any concerns or doubts about something that is not listed above, please contact us.

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Please contact us from the contact page .

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Photo provided by Kazou Ohishi

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